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Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) , as Norma Jeane Mortenson, was an American actress, model and singer.

1299. A man is more frank and sincere with his emotions than a woman. We girls, I’m afraid, have a tendency to hide our feelings.
中文 / Chinese:  一个男人是比女人在情绪上比较率直和真诚。我们女孩子恐怕有倾向隐藏我们的感觉。
1300. I don’t consider myself an intellectual. And this is not one of my aims. But I admire intellectual people.
中文 / Chinese:  我不认为我是知识分子。还有这不是我其中一个目标。但我佩服有知识的人。
1301. Fame doesn’t fulfill you. It warms you a bit, but that warmth is temporary.
中文 / Chinese:  名气不会满足你。它给你一点温暖,但这温暖只是一时的。
1302. A wise girl kisses but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe, and leaves before she is left.
中文 / Chinese:  聪明的女孩接吻但不爱,聆听但不相信,还有在被留下之前离开。
1303. I don’t mind living in a man’s world, as long as I can be a woman in it.
中文 / Chinese:  我不介意生活在一个男人世界里,只要我能做一个女人。
1304. If I play a stupid girl and ask a stupid question, I’ve got to follow it through, what am I supposed to do, look intelligent?
中文 / Chinese:  如果我扮演一个蠢女及问一个愚蠢的问题,而我要继续下去,我应该怎样做,扮聪明?
1305. It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone — so far.
中文 / Chinese:  到现在为止,一个人不快乐远比和人一起不快乐好多了。
949. Everybody is always tugging at you. They’d all like a sort of chunk out of you. I don’t think they realize it, but it’s like ‘grrr do this, grr do that…’But you do want to stay intact and on two feet.
中文 / Chinese:  所有人都经常拖拉著妳。他们都锺意妳拿走一大块。我想他们不察觉到,是像噁心的说:做这样,做那样... 但妳只是想两脚在原地原封不动。
950. With fame, you know, you can read about yourself, somebody else’s ideas about you, but what’s important is how you feel about yourself – for survival and living day to day with what comes up.
中文 / Chinese:  你知道有名气後,你可以读关於你自己,别人对你的意见,但最重要的是你对自己感觉怎样 — 为了生存和每一天活著面对任何发生的事情。
951. I won’t be satisfied until people want to hear me sing without looking at me. Of course, that doesn’t mean I want them to stop looking.
中文 / Chinese:  直到人们不用看我也想听我唱歌,我将不会满意的。当然,那不表示我想他们停止看我。
952. I’m a failure as a woman. My men expect so much of me, because of the image they’ve made of me– and that I’ve made of myself– as a sex symbol. They expect bells to ring and whistles to whistle, but my anatomy is the same as any other woman’s and I can’t live up to it.
中文 / Chinese:  作为一个女人我是失败的。因为他们构造我和我自己做成的性感的形象令我的男人对我期望很多。他们指望钟会响,哨子会鸣,但我的构造和其他女人一样,我做不到。

718. I am trying to find myself. Sometimes that's not easy.
中文 / Chinese:  我尝试寻找自己。有时真的不容易。
719. I am alone; I am always alone no matter what.
中文 / Chinese:  不管如何,我独自一人,我永远都是独自一人。
720. A woman can’t be alone. She needs a man. A man and a woman support and strengthen each other. She just can’t do it by herself.
中文 / Chinese:  一个女人不能一个人。她需要一个男人。一男一女支持和勉励对方。她一个人不能做到。
721. Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.
中文 / Chinese:  成功令很多人憎恨你。我希望不是这样。如果可以享受成功而不用看到周围妒忌的眼光是多好啊。
722. This life is what you make it. No matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes, it’s a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up.
中文 / Chinese:  你只有今生去创作。不论怎麽,你有时会做错,这是宇宙真理。但好的是你决定怎样去做错。
723. I’m one of the world’s most self-conscious people. I really have to struggle.
中文 / Chinese:  我是世上其中一个最自觉的人。我真正需要奋鬥。
724. A man is more frank and sincere with his emotions than a woman. We girls, I’m afraid, have a tendency to hide our feelings.
中文 / Chinese:  男人比女人对情绪比较坦白和真诚。我恐怕女生有隐藏感觉的习性。
220. Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.
中文 / Chinese:  给一个女生一双适合的鞋,她可以征服世界。
221. I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
中文 / Chinese:  我自私,没耐性,少许缺乏安全感。我犯错,我不受控制,有些时候难以应对。假如我最难缠的时候你不能应付,那麽你不应得最好的我。
222. If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.
中文 / Chinese:  假如你可以令一个女生笑,你可以令她做任何事情。
223. Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.
中文 / Chinese:  荷里活这地方会给妳一仟美元换一个吻和五十仙换你的灵魂。
224. I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.
中文 / Chinese:  我不知道谁发明高跟鞋,但所有女人欠他很多。
225. Someone said to me, 'If fifty percent of the experts in Hollywood said you had no talent and should give up, what would you do?' My answer was then and still is, 'If a hundred percent told me that, all one hundred percent would be wrong.
中文 / Chinese:  有人跟我说,”有一半荷里活专家说你没有天才和应该放弃,你应该如何做?”我以前样回答,现在也是:”就算所有专家这样说,他们会全错。”